Thursday May 2nd, 2024

Doors at 5:30pm
Show from 6:30-8:30pm

at the Taborspace Sanctuary
5441 SE Belmont St.

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Beltane, roughly translated as “Bright Fire”, is known as the beginning of Summer. It is the midway point between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, and honors the bright fullness of our extended daylight.

If you long to connect with nature, the turning seasons, and observe Beltane, if you love to witness live harmonic singing, then this concert is for you. 

This concert will feature music guided by Flora and Funga, with traditional European polyphonic influence. The concert centers tightly woven voices with layered harmonies and rhythms that honor the earth and bring our community together.

Beltane is a time where the fullness of life can be seen and felt, where the Maiden archetype is at her peak. There is a quality of anticipation, and we are excited to experience abundance and come out of the darkness.  

featured performances by

Earth Women

Earth Women sing ancient polyphonic European Earth worshipping songs. Gathered by Ayla, these women sing to reclaim their wild, raw, and authentic voices as a response to the overarching pressure to only share pretty polite and perfect sounds. This group is modeled after women’s singing group Laboratorium Piesni, who reclaim their wildness, and sing songs that are in reverence to our shared planet.

Earth Women sings with their feminine Earth bodies, these amazingly intelligent instruments that reflect our planet- circular flowing lunar cycles. Performance videos are available on YouTube, or follow @earthwomenpdx on IG for more songs and videos

Sara Tone

More than songs, there's an intentionality and vibe created and held with the collective power of presence and gratitude that the music emanates and amplifies, a prayer, a spell...a Roots Transmission!!
More videos available on

Portland based musician, educator, and activist, Sara Tone shares her love songs for the Earth as a multi-instrumentalist. Expressing herself through voice, guitar, bari-uke, kalimba, ocarina, and an assortment of percussion instruments.

Her style ranges from deep heart rooted soul, world folk, with an undeniable hip-hop approach. (Read: dorky choir kid with a strong ear taught herself lots of instruments to try to express and share the nature inspired symphony she hears and feels intensely). You’ll often find her building musical ideas and passions into sonic reality through loop based harmonies and beat-boxing.


Hyphae is trio of mycologist singers including Koby McConnell, Anna Wilson, and Ayla Realta. They come together through the symbiosis of human and fungi communication using polyphonic vocals and etherial themes to create meditative mushroom music.

They sing as the High Fae, of the hyphae- this most fundamental aspect of fungi. Hyphae are the single cell strands that come together to make up mycelium in fungi.

High Fae speaks to the energetic characters the fungi invokes in each of them, namely- Fae Empress, Gnome Queen, and Goblin King.

…and more performances TBA

If the earth’s seasons are analogous to feminine cycles of life, then Spring is the Maiden.

Beltane represents the Maiden at her fullest expression.

The innocent, youthful, wide eyed, albeit naive, beauty, who indulges in sensory experiences, adorning herself with fresh flowers, and her favorite ensembles. She remains authentic in her playfulness, and feral in her expressions, always independent, and confident. She has endless energy, and is ready to be smitten, falling hard into love and care, in preparation for her Mother season.

This celebration calls for the vibrant energetic of fresh growth. The Sprouted Green of new life brings anticipation of bountiful maiden energetics.

At this Beltane concert, we will sing songs of Carnations, Hawthorns, Cladonia lichen, Birds nest Fungi, and more.